Soccer table with telescopic rods
See details for the foosball tables here
Delivery of table soccer: 30 working days
The price : by request
The price of a soccer table with direct delivery till member country of the European Union is determined after query.
No VAT / 20% / is charged for companies with VAT registration from a member state of the European Union
Soccer table with telescopic rods
See details for the foosball tables here
Delivery of table soccer: 30 working days
The price of soccer table: with VAT, Sofia, Bulgaria
Soccer table with telescopic rods
See details for the foosball tables here
Delivery of table soccer: 30 working days
The price: with VAT, Sofia, Bulgaria
The price of a soccer table with direct delivery till member country of the European Union is determined after query.
No VAT / 20% / is charged for companies with VAT registration from a member state of the European Union
Джага с телескопични ръчки
Цена на джага: с ДДС, София
Цена за доставка на джаги до адрес на клиента остава по договаряне.
Срок за доставка на джаги: 30 работни дни
Soccer table with telescopic rods
See details for the foosball tables here
Delivery of table soccer: 30 working days
The price : by request
The price of a soccer table with direct delivery till member country of the European Union is determined after query.
Soccer table with telescopic rods
See details for the foosball tables here
Delivery of table soccer: 20 working days
The price of foosball table: by request
The price of a soccer table with direct delivery till member country of the European Union is determined after query.
No VAT / 20% / is charged for companies with VAT registration from a member state of the European Union
Soccer table with telescopic rods
See details for the foosball tables here
Delivery of table soccer: 30 working days
The price of soccer table: with VAT, Sofia, Bulgaria
The price of a soccer table with direct delivery till member country of the European Union is determined after query.
No VAT / 20% / is charged for companies with VAT registration from a member state of the European Union
Soccer table with telescopic rods
See details for the foosball tables here
Delivery of table soccer: 30 working days
The price of soccer table: with VAT, Sofia, Bulgaria
The price of a soccer table with direct delivery till member country of the European Union is determined after query.
Soccer table with telescopic rods.
Delivery on table soccer: 20÷30 working days
The price on football table is with VAT
Джага с телескопични ръчки
Цена на футболна маса: по запитване, c ДДС, София, България.
Цена за доставка на джаги до адрес на клиента остава по договаряне.
Срок за доставка на джаги: 30 работни дни